Happy Garlic Day!

Happy Garlic Day! Garlic is an easy to grow nutritional powerhouse! I love growing this culinary and medicinal herb. I add it to almost all of my meal prep as well as to wellness infusions, etc. when someone may have a cold or other illness. It is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6,…

Nourishing Your Bliss: Spring Edition

“Nourishing Your Bliss” was a tagline I had for years before switching my tagline to “Helping You Grow in the Garden, Kitchen & Beyond” a few years ago. If you look at the hashtag #nourishingyourbliss on Instagram you will find a good selection of my posts featuring gardening, nutrition, food and even perimenopause support. I…

Inspiration For A Spring Kitchen Reset

Setting up your kitchen for spring ensures you will be organized and ready for all the wonderful food ingredients that are becoming available either from your garden, local farmer or foraged. By now you are probably so excited for a change in ingredients from the winter season, I know I am! With the change of…

Remembering Your Why in 2024

This is a subject I like to touch on from time to time as a little reminder to focus on the foundation of growing as a gardener. Finding your why, knowing your reason why you make time to grow food for your family when things get tough, busy, too cold or dark to grow anything…

Lessons From The Garden

The garden may start out simply as a place to grow food, flowers and herbs. It may start as a place to grow some food for your family, so you can have garden fresh tomatoes or fresh herbs. It may be a place to gather cut flowers for your dining table, but in time you…

What’s In Season: Spring

Spring is here and with it comes more variety with what’s in season! This is the kickoff to months of delicious fresh food from the garden, a CSA or the local farmers market. Eating seasonally and locally helps ensure higher nutrient quality than produce that is grown in another location and shipped across many miles…

What Is Your Why?

What is your why?🌱🌱🌱Why do you want to grow your own food and cook from scratch? I’d love to know your reason(s).🌱🌱🌱My why encompasses a lot of things. My family, our health, the health of the planet, better nutrition, knowing the source, connection, community, resilience, building a solid foundation, supporting soil health, sharing with family…

Seasonal Eating: Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts seem to fall into a love them or hate them group. Which are you? Brussels sprouts are incredibly good for you!  They are a perfect cool/cold season vegetable to include in your weekly meal plan. They contain amazing constituents that are not only anti-cancer, hormone helping, but heart healthy. This is great news…

Make Your Own Greens Powder

Did you know you can easily make your owns greens powder? 🌱🌱🌱  I have scoured the internet to find a greens powder that fits my high standards for culinary nutrition with no added fillers, etc. I have had a hard time finding something, so I made my own. It does take a lot of greens…

Garden Pests

Now is the time to start checking your garden to any signs of garden pests. Early detection is key! This is why I suggest daily garden walks beyond just coming out to water or harvest. During you daily garden walk take the time to inspect all your plants to make sure they are healthy and…

Leggy Seedlings

Leggy seedlings can happen for a variety reasons. Uneven moisture, high temperatures, and insufficient light. More often than not it is due to insufficient light. When starting seeds they need a lot of light, close to where they are growing. 2 -5 inches above them is recommended. 16 hours of light is great for seedlings,…

Quick Growing Cool Season Vegetables

  Based on my last post on Instagram  where I asked what do you need from me right now and pretty much everyone wants to know what to grow in the garden for a quick harvest.  This is a quick list I put together. If you want to add anything, please do! The fastest thing…