Culinary Herbs I Love To Grow

Herbs are a fantastic addition to just about any meal. They can offer additional nutritional benefits beyond the main ingredients. They can also add a boost of flavor! I always suggest adding herbs where you can in your kitchen garden. I also suggest planting your favorite herbs in a planter under bright lights for the…

Happy Garlic Day!

Happy Garlic Day! Garlic is an easy to grow nutritional powerhouse! I love growing this culinary and medicinal herb. I add it to almost all of my meal prep as well as to wellness infusions, etc. when someone may have a cold or other illness. It is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6,…

Intentionally Finding an Online Mentor

How many gardeners or homesteaders do you follow on social media? Whether it’s Instagram, YouTube or Facebook, there are so many experts, influencers, coaches, consultants, bloggers, etc. all vying for your attention. It can be pretty overwhelming, especially since there are as many ways to garden and homestead as there are gardeners and homesteaders! I…

Holistic Seasonal Wellness Ideas for Your Garden Harvests and Farm Goods

Holistic seasonal wellness starts in the garden, CSA pick up, local farm stand, farmers market, community garden plot/allotment and kitchen. Beyond delicious nutrient dense seasonal meals there is so much more to be made from garden harvests and farm goods for holistic seasonal wellness! I hope these ideas spark your creativity and inspire you to…

Nourishing Your Bliss: Spring Edition

“Nourishing Your Bliss” was a tagline I had for years before switching my tagline to “Helping You Grow in the Garden, Kitchen & Beyond” a few years ago. If you look at the hashtag #nourishingyourbliss on Instagram you will find a good selection of my posts featuring gardening, nutrition, food and even perimenopause support. I…

Inspiration For A Spring Kitchen Reset

Setting up your kitchen for spring ensures you will be organized and ready for all the wonderful food ingredients that are becoming available either from your garden, local farmer or foraged. By now you are probably so excited for a change in ingredients from the winter season, I know I am! With the change of…

3 Cooking Techniques to Help You Enjoy the Harvest

Warm season harvests are well under way! There is something to harvest daily, whether it’s a flush of determinate crops or smaller pickings of what is ripe that day. Making the most of harvests is a big part of why we garden, getting to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Knowing simple cooking techniques to…

June Garden & Kitchen Tasks

We are now on summer break, instead of things slowing down there is much to do in the garden and kitchen. Now is the time to start dehydrating, freezing, preserving late spring garden harvests and farmers market finds!  I am sharing garden and kitchen tasks for early June to help you stay organized and productive…

Preparing Your Garden & Kitchen For The Growing Season

Preparing your garden and kitchen for the coming growing season(s) is extremely important. It can be the difference between a smooth growing and preserving season and an overwhelming chaotic season. There are some things you can do to both your garden and your kitchen for a more streamlined and organized experience. I have been gardening…


Learn how to cook from scratch using foundational cooking techniques with a gluten free, dairy free plant-forward/plant-based culinary nutrition focus. Learn how to intuitively cook without a recipe using what’s in season. (No need to be vegan or vegetarian to eat plant-forward or plant-based.) Find Cooking related posts in the the COOK. tab and the…

5 Common Culinary Herbs & Spices With Medicinal Benefits

Culinary herbs also have medicinal benefits for a power packed nutritional punch when added to your daily meals. I love using fresh or dried herbs to boost nutrition and the overall health benefits of a meal as well as enhancing the flavor of a meal. There is so many health building opportunities when it comes…