Nourishing Your Bliss: Spring Edition

“Nourishing Your Bliss” was a tagline I had for years before switching my tagline to “Helping You Grow in the Garden, Kitchen & Beyond” a few years ago. If you look at the hashtag #nourishingyourbliss on Instagram you will find a good selection of my posts featuring gardening, nutrition, food and even perimenopause support. I…

What Is Your Why?

What is your why?🌱🌱🌱Why do you want to grow your own food and cook from scratch? I’d love to know your reason(s).🌱🌱🌱My why encompasses a lot of things. My family, our health, the health of the planet, better nutrition, knowing the source, connection, community, resilience, building a solid foundation, supporting soil health, sharing with family…

Seasonal Eating: Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts seem to fall into a love them or hate them group. Which are you? Brussels sprouts are incredibly good for you!  They are a perfect cool/cold season vegetable to include in your weekly meal plan. They contain amazing constituents that are not only anti-cancer, hormone helping, but heart healthy. This is great news…

Make Your Own Greens Powder

Did you know you can easily make your owns greens powder? 🌱🌱🌱  I have scoured the internet to find a greens powder that fits my high standards for culinary nutrition with no added fillers, etc. I have had a hard time finding something, so I made my own. It does take a lot of greens…

Quick Growing Cool Season Vegetables

  Based on my last post on Instagram  where I asked what do you need from me right now and pretty much everyone wants to know what to grow in the garden for a quick harvest.  This is a quick list I put together. If you want to add anything, please do! The fastest thing…


I mentioned yesterday that I was doing some soul searching. It was a rough day for sure. Last night I completely threw myself into my yoga practice. I knew I really needed to fully show up on my mat and then completely let go. It was wonderful, relaxing and soothing. Just what I needed. I…

You Need Protein in Your Breakfast

  To set yourself up for balanced blood sugar throughout the day choose a breakfast with protein. Aim for 30 grams. Don’t forget the healthy fat and fiber. Remember every meal should have P+F+F.

Perimenopause: Some Things We Need To Evaluate

  There is a whole list of things we need to evaluate so we can thrive in perimenopause, but before you get overwhelmed know that you don’t have to tackle everything at once.  Some things will already be just as they need to be and others will need tweaks or changes. You’ll also be happy…

Vaginal Atrophy in Perimenopause

Vaginal atrophy (VA) is something that can happen during perimenopause and can be quite painful. Also know as Vulvo-vaginal Atrophy (VVA), because it includes the vulva and the vaginal lining. What is VA?  Simply put it’s the thinning of the vaginal wall and tissues of the vulva due to low estrogen levels, causing it to…

Welcome December, Self Care Tips For The Holiday Season

Anyone else can’t believe it’s December already? This month is known for many celebrations with holidays and parties filling the month. This is also a time where people throw out a lot of their health building habits. I want to talk about self care and how it is even more crucial this time of year….