Holistic Seasonal Wellness Ideas for Your Garden Harvests and Farm Goods

Holistic seasonal wellness starts in the garden, CSA pick up, local farm stand, farmers market, community garden plot/allotment and kitchen. Beyond delicious nutrient dense seasonal meals there is so much more to be made from garden harvests and farm goods for holistic seasonal wellness! I hope these ideas spark your creativity and inspire you to…

Nourishing Your Bliss: Spring Edition

“Nourishing Your Bliss” was a tagline I had for years before switching my tagline to “Helping You Grow in the Garden, Kitchen & Beyond” a few years ago. If you look at the hashtag #nourishingyourbliss on Instagram you will find a good selection of my posts featuring gardening, nutrition, food and even perimenopause support. I…

Inspiration For A Spring Kitchen Reset

Setting up your kitchen for spring ensures you will be organized and ready for all the wonderful food ingredients that are becoming available either from your garden, local farmer or foraged. By now you are probably so excited for a change in ingredients from the winter season, I know I am! With the change of…

Self Care Habits & Rituals For Winter

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” —Aristotle  Winter is a time of slow energy, a feeling for the need to hibernate, and a want to rest and relax, to go within, to retreat and release. It is a time to reflect, to look forward and…

Holistic Seasonal Living Journal Prompts

Holistic seasonal living is at the core of everything I do and offer. Each seasons brings with it chances for new experiences, reflection, growth and opportunities. While I admit that I am not the best at sticking to a regular journaling routine, I do like to set intentions and journal about my hopes and reflections…

What Does A Garden Coach Do?

What does a garden coach do and how can they help you reach your gardening goals? This is a question some people ask when they find out that I am a Certified Gardenary Garden Coach. My simple answer is that I help people with their gardens. The truth is that is a very watered down…

Warming Herbs & Spices For Winter

 Using warming herbs and spices in the winter is a great way to warm ourselves from the inside out. You can wear big sweaters and leg warmers to keep you warm from the outside, but adding warming herbs and spices to teas, elixirs, soups, stews, or just about any meal in the colder months is…

My January 2022 Message For You

Winter is a time of reflection, looking inward, staying warm with tea and hearty soups. It’s a time to fully give in to the need to relax and reset. It’s a time to think about what is calling your heart. It doesn’t mean we need to jump into action and go, go, go, but it…

A Year End Review of My 2021 Blog Posts

It’s hard to believe we are so close to the end of the year. This will be my last blog post of 2021 and I wanted to share some posts from the past year. I wrote over 40 blog posts this year about gardening, holistic nutrition, cooking from scratch and life updates. I have enjoyed…

My 2021 Holiday Gift Guide for Beginner Gardeners and Cooks

When it comes to gardening and cooking having the right high quality tools can make the experience even more joyful. Here are a few of my top picks for gifts for the gardener or cook in your life. Hori hori knife – One of my most used tools in the garden is my hori hori…

5 Tips To Help You Thrive Through The Holidays

With major holidays on the horizon it is ever more important to prioritize self care. It is even more important for those who are gathering in larger groups for the first time in a long time. Having been through 2020 and 2021 with so much social distancing and mask wearing our immune systems and microbiomes…

Autumn 2021 Update

We are halfway through October already and I can hardly believe it! There is so much happening in the world right now that has reinforced my mission even further. I have been using spaces in my days to really hunker down, meditate and connect with my heart. Feeling out what needs to come next for…