Happy Garlic Day!

Happy Garlic Day! Garlic is an easy to grow nutritional powerhouse! I love growing this culinary and medicinal herb. I add it to almost all of my meal prep as well as to wellness infusions, etc. when someone may have a cold or other illness. It is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6,…

Nourishing Your Bliss: Spring Edition

“Nourishing Your Bliss” was a tagline I had for years before switching my tagline to “Helping You Grow in the Garden, Kitchen & Beyond” a few years ago. If you look at the hashtag #nourishingyourbliss on Instagram you will find a good selection of my posts featuring gardening, nutrition, food and even perimenopause support. I…

Herbal Nervines I Am Growing in My Garden

Herbal Nervine is an umbrella term for a group of herbs that have an effect on the nervous system. Under this umbrella term it is broken down even further to include herbal actions like anxiolytic, hypnotic, anodyne, etc. (There are different herbal nervines that have different actions that you can work with depending on what…

6 Medicinal Herbs For Small Space Gardens That Are Easy To Grow From Seed

Growing medicinal herbs is a fabulous way to bring pollinators and beauty to your garden while also being able to create wonderful herbal preparations with your harvests. One major benefit of growing your own medicinal herbs is that you know the conditions your plants were grown in. You’ll know exactly when they were harvested, the…

Herbs I Am Growing This Year (A Short List)

If you are signed up to receive my weekly love letter you will know that I am taking a deep dive into herbalism with the 1,000 Hour Herbal Immersion Program with Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine. I have loved herbs for years and have taken courses over time with various herbalists and herbal schools, but…

Self Care Habits & Rituals For Winter

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” —Aristotle  Winter is a time of slow energy, a feeling for the need to hibernate, and a want to rest and relax, to go within, to retreat and release. It is a time to reflect, to look forward and…

5 Common Culinary Herbs & Spices With Medicinal Benefits

Culinary herbs also have medicinal benefits for a power packed nutritional punch when added to your daily meals. I love using fresh or dried herbs to boost nutrition and the overall health benefits of a meal as well as enhancing the flavor of a meal. There is so many health building opportunities when it comes…

My Must Grow Plants: Medicinal Herbs

Adding medicinal herbs to your garden not only adds beauty to your garden, but allows you to make plant medicine with your harvests. (Most culinary herbs can also be used in plant medicine too, you can see my must grow culinary herbs here.) When we grow our own herbs for herbal preparations, just as any…

Dandelions, A Wonderfully Beneficial “Weed”

Dandelions are popping up right now where I live and depending on your temperatures they should be for you too. Growing up I loved making wishes on dandelion puffs, watching as they blew away. I also remember getting scolded for doing it because they were going to start growing everywhere. I didn’t see why it…

Warming Herbs & Spices For Winter

 Using warming herbs and spices in the winter is a great way to warm ourselves from the inside out. You can wear big sweaters and leg warmers to keep you warm from the outside, but adding warming herbs and spices to teas, elixirs, soups, stews, or just about any meal in the colder months is…

3 Herbs To Grow In Containers

Being able to grow your own herbs, whether culinary, medicinal or both is one of the best things about gardening. All three herbs listed not only make great herbal teas, but they are perfect for attracting pollinators to your garden and have culinary uses. Not to mention they all grow easily and are great beginner…

Autumn 2021 Update

We are halfway through October already and I can hardly believe it! There is so much happening in the world right now that has reinforced my mission even further. I have been using spaces in my days to really hunker down, meditate and connect with my heart. Feeling out what needs to come next for…