Nourishing Your Bliss: Spring Edition

“Nourishing Your Bliss” was a tagline I had for years before switching my tagline to “Helping You Grow in the Garden, Kitchen & Beyond” a few years ago. If you look at the hashtag #nourishingyourbliss on Instagram you will find a good selection of my posts featuring gardening, nutrition, food and even perimenopause support. I…

3 Cooking Techniques to Help You Enjoy the Harvest

Warm season harvests are well under way! There is something to harvest daily, whether it’s a flush of determinate crops or smaller pickings of what is ripe that day. Making the most of harvests is a big part of why we garden, getting to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Knowing simple cooking techniques to…

What Does A Garden Coach Do?

What does a garden coach do and how can they help you reach your gardening goals? This is a question some people ask when they find out that I am a Certified Gardenary Garden Coach. My simple answer is that I help people with their gardens. The truth is that is a very watered down…

What’s In Season: October

October is such a time of change and renewal. Around the first week of October is when we expect our first frost date. It hasn’t happened yet this year, but I can feel it on the horizon. This really changes things in the garden and kitchen. All those lovely summer or warm weather produce are…

5 Common Culinary Herbs & Spices With Medicinal Benefits

Culinary herbs also have medicinal benefits for a power packed nutritional punch when added to your daily meals. I love using fresh or dried herbs to boost nutrition and the overall health benefits of a meal as well as enhancing the flavor of a meal. There is so many health building opportunities when it comes…

My Must Grow Plants: Culinary Herbs

Culinary herbs are so beneficial and easy to grow, even if you have very little space. Herbs are actually what I suggest people grow when they are just starting out as gardeners. Yes you can grow tomatoes your first gardening season, but to help gain confidence in the garden herbs are the place to start….

Foundational Cooking Methods To Know For Delicious From Scratch Meals

Harnessing the power of foundational cooking techniques can give you so much freedom when it comes to creating delicious seasonal meals for your family. Below you will find a short list of foundational cooking techniques to learn or deepen your connection to. There are many cooking techniques to try within dry heat, moist heat, combination…

What’s In Season: Winter

It may be seem like everything is in season when we look at what’s filling the produce section at the grocery store. The truth is much of the food you see has traveled long distances to get to the grocery store. Out of season produce is grown in warmer climates and shipped, trucked or flown…

Pantry Staples For A From Scratch Kitchen

When it comes to being prepared in a from scratch kitchen you definitely want to have some pantry staples on hand to be able to quickly put meals together. When you harvest something from your garden or when your CSA box is filled with goodies, you will feel confident knowing that you can make a…

My 2021 Holiday Gift Guide for Beginner Gardeners and Cooks

When it comes to gardening and cooking having the right high quality tools can make the experience even more joyful. Here are a few of my top picks for gifts for the gardener or cook in your life. Hori hori knife – One of my most used tools in the garden is my hori hori…

3 Herbs To Use In Your Kitchen During The Winter

I love plants for so many reasons. I’d probably say my number one reason for loving plants is their ability to nourish us. Whether it’s vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains or herbs (both culinary and medicinal), etc. plants have the ability to support and nourish our bodies. The key to getting the most benefits…

Autumn 2021 Update

We are halfway through October already and I can hardly believe it! There is so much happening in the world right now that has reinforced my mission even further. I have been using spaces in my days to really hunker down, meditate and connect with my heart. Feeling out what needs to come next for…