Culinary Herbs I Love To Grow

Herbs are a fantastic addition to just about any meal. They can offer additional nutritional benefits beyond the main ingredients. They can also add a boost of flavor! I always suggest adding herbs where you can in your kitchen garden. I also suggest planting your favorite herbs in a planter under bright lights for the…

3 Multi-Harvest Crops For The Spring Garden

The spring garden is full of so much potential. It is the time of year when we can start having larger harvests from the garden. I enjoy the cool season garden because it can be filled with so many nourishing foods. There are many cool season crops that can be grown before our last frost…

Gardening Advice For Beginners Part 1 of Many

You don’t know what you don’t know. This is a great saying that can be tied to anything in life, especially gardening. As a beginning gardener there is so much to learn, I would also say that even as an experienced gardener there is always more to learn, try and experiment with. Learning from someone…

Intentionally Finding an Online Mentor

How many gardeners or homesteaders do you follow on social media? Whether it’s Instagram, YouTube or Facebook, there are so many experts, influencers, coaches, consultants, bloggers, etc. all vying for your attention. It can be pretty overwhelming, especially since there are as many ways to garden and homestead as there are gardeners and homesteaders! I…

Plant Families That Do Well in the Cool Season

Cool season crops are probably some of my favorites to grow. Yes I love a good homegrown tomato like most any other person, but cool season crops can be so good too. You can create so many meals with cool season crops because the options are many. I think my love for them also comes…

Nourishing Your Bliss: Spring Edition

“Nourishing Your Bliss” was a tagline I had for years before switching my tagline to “Helping You Grow in the Garden, Kitchen & Beyond” a few years ago. If you look at the hashtag #nourishingyourbliss on Instagram you will find a good selection of my posts featuring gardening, nutrition, food and even perimenopause support. I…

Feeling A Deep Connection to Your Garden

I believe gardening can change the world. Every time I say this I think of Avatar The Last Airbender and hear it in Kataras voice exactly like the way she says, “But I believe that Ang can save the world.” This is probably because this show was a family favorite when my boys were younger….

Seeds I’m Starting In March

The month of March is really the kick off to the growing season around here. There are some things already sown in seed pots or soil blocks before March. March is when we really start sowing seeds including those first few rounds we will succession sow throughout the growing season for my location. (This doesn’t…

Herbal Nervines I Am Growing in My Garden

Herbal Nervine is an umbrella term for a group of herbs that have an effect on the nervous system. Under this umbrella term it is broken down even further to include herbal actions like anxiolytic, hypnotic, anodyne, etc. (There are different herbal nervines that have different actions that you can work with depending on what…

Remembering Your Why in 2024

This is a subject I like to touch on from time to time as a little reminder to focus on the foundation of growing as a gardener. Finding your why, knowing your reason why you make time to grow food for your family when things get tough, busy, too cold or dark to grow anything…

Beyond Gardening Basics: Setting Goals for Your Gardening Season

Every gardening season whether it’s your first or your 50th it’s a good idea to to set goals for what you want to do, learn, experiment with in the garden. Every season offers new opportunities to learn something new, to grow and stretch your skills, experience and insights about growing your own food, flowers and…

Seed Buying Tips

It is always such and exciting time when it comes to shopping for seeds. You can easily get overwhelmed by all the choices, companies and trends. These seed buying tips can bring you more ease and possibly save you some money when it comes time to purchase your seeds for the coming season. You may…